Gutter Repair and Replacements
Repair & Replacements
Maintaining gutter systems is an important task for homeowners. If your home is experiencing soil erosion, rotting roof, or a shifting driveway – a gutter repair may be needed. When gutters are left unrepaired, they can cause serious water damange to your home, including the foundation, driveway and sidewalks, roof, and more.
Gutter Repair Includes:
- Clean gutter debris
- Repair downspouts & loose joints
- Ajust the gutter system slope
- Install gutter hoods and screens
- Replace damaged gutters

Professional and Affordable
On Point Gutter Systems is licensed and insured, providing reliable and professional services to Southern Michigan. We offer installations, cleaning services and repairs in Calhoun, Jackson, Ingham, Kalamazoo, Eaton, Hillsdale and Branch Counties.